Articles on: Email Finder & Verifier

Information about the Lobstr email discovery service

The Lobstr email discovery service finds professional and verified email addresses.
It uses the information you scrape from LinkedIn.

When you download your dataset, you will find a dedicated email column:

dataset with lobstr email enrichment

All the emails are server verified.

It means that we have sent an email to the email we propose to you.
And it has been successfully received by the recipient.

You can use it with absolute peace of mind.

How much does it cost?

Lobstr email credits are offered with monthly/yearly subscriptions.

300 email credits for 0 EUR (!!)
3000 email credits for 50 EUR
15000 email credits for 250 EUR
30000 email credits for 500 EUR

Feel free to check our Pricing Page to get more information:

pricing lobstr email credits

What can I do with 1 email credit?

1 email credit = 1 verified email address.

The percentage of emails found depends on the type of enterprise the profile belongs to.

80%+ with large companies and startups
30 to 50% with SMEs
2 to 5% with freelancers or independent companies

If you want to find email addresses of independent or freelancers, don’t use our tool.

Can I have personal email addresses?

We do __not__ provide personal email addresses.

These email addresses are not GDPR compliant.

Indeed, to send email to a personal email address, you need their explicit consent.
Feel free to check the French CNIL article for more information:

commercial prospection for b2c is illegal according to cnil

How to use it?

Once you have created a squid, at Settings level, turn Email toggle to on.

Then, as an email discovery service, choose Lobstr.

how to find email with lobstr at settings level

Email will be automatically discovered during data scraping:

lobstr console with email enrichment

For now, the Lobstr email discovery service is only available with our powerful Sales Navigator Leads Scraper.

How does it work?

Last question you may ask: email is not available on neither Linkedin nor Sales Navigator.
What do we do to find these verified email addresses?

Well, it works in 3 steps:

Random company addresses collection
Pattern creation

First, we collect all company email addresses publicly available on the Internet.
We have deployed thousands of scrapers. They browse over web pages, and store email addresses.

For instance, on this page, you will find the address of Simon, co-founder at Lobstr:

email is collected from a website

Second, thanks to advanced AI-based mechanisms, we identify the company pattern.

For instance, for the email address above, the pattern is: {first}.{last}
Many patterns do exist. Find the 3 most popular below:

usual email pattern

Endly, on Linkedin or Sales Navigator, we collect the first name and last name of a person.

For instance, for Sasha Bouloudnine, co-founder at Lobstr, here is what we get:


first and last name from linkedin profile

And we visit the company page, and we collect the company domain:

website collected from linkedin company page

We build the company nominative email address:

Endly, we send an e-mail to the email address.
Thus, we verify the email address is clean and deliverable.

Does it work everywhere?

Our email enrichment service does work for all profiles from all countries worldwide.

Updated on: 11/06/2024

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