How to convert a CSV file to Excel?
Have you tried to open a CSV file of scraped data but just gathered a bunch of unreadable data? csv file opened with excel looking terrible In this short help article, we will see how to convert a CSV file into a clean Excel file. With 3 easy steps: Create a Google Spreadsheet Upload the CSV Export to Excel format Let’s deep dive in. Create a Google SpreadshSome readersHow to export data to GoogleSheet?
You want to export data to a collaborative GoogleSheet — but you don’t want to painfully download and re-upload from a CSV? In this short article, we will see how to export data scraped on lobstr on automated to a GoogleSheet. auto export data from a lobstr squid to a googlesheet Complete Video Here is a complete video, with all steps you do need to follow. https://wSome readersHow Does Filtering Work in Google Maps Search Export?
Why do we have filtering in Google Maps Search Export? Honestly, Google Maps is the problem. When you search for businesses on Google Maps, the results don’t always match what you need. Example of filter mismatch Our scraper filters the results to make sure you get relevant and accurate businesses. How? Let's understand the problem and how our scraper solves it. Why Does Google MapFew readers