How to refresh a cookies expired account?
You wanna scrape data behind a login wall, but your account cookies have expired?

In this article, we will see how to refresh a desynchronized account.
It happens that data is only accessible behind a paywall.
To access this data, we do ask you to synchronize your third-party account with
In order to ensure seamless browsing as well as complete privacy, we do never save your username or password. Instead, we store your login cookies with our public add-on.
But cookies are not immortal.

When cookies expire, you need to provide some new login cookies to again.
And we will see how to perform it in this tutorial.
Be sure to:
Download the public add-on
Be logged in on the your third-party account
First, be sure you have properly downloaded our public add-on.

We use it to store your login cookies and ensure seamless browsing with your account with no damage to your privacy.
Be sure to be logged-in on your third-party website account.
Go on the third-party website e.g. Twitter.

There is two way to refresh your third-party account cookies:
Accounts section
Squid Settings section
Let’s deep-dive in.
To refresh your old account cookies, through the Accounts Section:
Log in to
Navigate to the "Accounts" section.
Click on "Actions".
Select "Refresh cookies".

And that’s it!
To refresh your old account cookies, through the Squid Settings section:
First, log in to
Then, pick a squid that requires your account e.g. Twitter User Tweets Scraper if you need to refresh the cookies from a Twitter account.
Either on the “here” on the banner
or on the “Settings” icon

Endly, click on the refresh icon near your account name.


In this article, we will see how to refresh a desynchronized account.
Why do you need to refresh your account?
It happens that data is only accessible behind a paywall.
To access this data, we do ask you to synchronize your third-party account with
In order to ensure seamless browsing as well as complete privacy, we do never save your username or password. Instead, we store your login cookies with our public add-on.
But cookies are not immortal.

When cookies expire, you need to provide some new login cookies to again.
And we will see how to perform it in this tutorial.
Be sure to:
Download the public add-on
Be logged in on the your third-party account
Download the public add-on
First, be sure you have properly downloaded our public add-on.

We use it to store your login cookies and ensure seamless browsing with your account with no damage to your privacy.
Be logged in on the your third-party account
Be sure to be logged-in on your third-party website account.
Go on the third-party website e.g. Twitter.

Step-by-step Instructions
There is two way to refresh your third-party account cookies:
Accounts section
Squid Settings section
Let’s deep-dive in.
Accounts section
To refresh your old account cookies, through the Accounts Section:
Log in to
Navigate to the "Accounts" section.
Click on "Actions".
Select "Refresh cookies".

And that’s it!
Squid Settings section
To refresh your old account cookies, through the Squid Settings section:
First, log in to
Then, pick a squid that requires your account e.g. Twitter User Tweets Scraper if you need to refresh the cookies from a Twitter account.
Either on the “here” on the banner
or on the “Settings” icon

Endly, click on the refresh icon near your account name.

Updated on: 17/07/2024
Thank you!